Friday, April 1, 2011

Behavior modification!!

The neuropeptide oxytocin regulates parochial altruism in intergroup conflict among humans.
De Dreu CK, Greer LL, Handgraaf MJ, Shalvi S, Van Kleef GA, Baas M, Ten Velden FS, Van Dijk E, Feith SW.


Humans regulate intergroup conflict through parochial altruism; they self-sacrifice to contribute to in-group welfare and to aggress against competing out-groups. Parochial altruism has distinct survival functions, and the brain may have evolved to sustain and promote in-group cohesion and effectiveness and to ward off threatening out-groups. Here, we have linked oxytocin, a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus, to the regulation of intergroup conflict. In three experiments using double-blind placebo-controlled designs, male participants self-administered oxytocin or placebo and made decisions with financial consequences to themselves, their in-group, and a competing out-group. Results showed that oxytocin drives a "tend and defend" response in that it promoted in-group trust and cooperation, and defensive, but not offensive, aggression toward competing out-groups.

Science. 2010 Jun 11;328(5984):1408-11.

Why is it cool?
 Oxytocin has been shown to be really important in humans for a variety of reasons. I think the abstract is fairly straight forward on what was done, so I will not repeat it, but I will quickly summarize: oxytocin promotes in-group trust. This may be a simplification, so don't take it to heart.

 Let's consider what should happen if this research is made into pill form. If oxytocin or some analog has a stronger effect the more that is added, then one could make a highly concentrated pill and see formation of close knit groups. This is especially important for servicemen or for getting rid of interoffice politics! Imagine that you are required to take this pill if you are found to be rude to other people in the office. Does the research say that the personality changed? I don't know. It could be a form of behavior modification that is not permanent!

 What if they could make a chemical that does the opposite of oxytocin? This would mean that it build out-group trust. Why is that interesting? I think that racism can be considered a form of out-group distrust. Taking this different pill could be a chemical solution to racism!! Imagine that you are found to be guilty of racist based aggression and you are required to take the out-group trust pill and now you feel an affinity to those out-groups! Behavior modification rocks!

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