Thursday, June 2, 2011


Effectiveness of an oral contraceptive; effects of a progestin-estrogen combination upon fertility, menstrual phenomena, and health. 

Science. 1959 Jul 10;130(3367):81-3.

Why is this beyond cool? Possibly awesome?
 Revolution is a word that I throw around when I read some of the older papers, because so many of them had a gigantic effect on all of us. It is surprising to me that I neglected to think of birth control. The invention of the birth control pill is one of the biggest most mind blowingly EPIC inventions ever! Consider that before the pill, women had many crude ways to prevent pregnancy and even cruder ways to abort them. Being yoked with carrying the next generation meant that women were seen as not able to hold important jobs because they could leave at any moment to create babies.
 The pill changed everything. Now, sexy, young women could do important work on par with that of a man and not have to worry about stopping because of accidental pregnancy (unless she was not consistent in taking the pill). Women were suddenly able to attend colleges in larger numbers because they didn't fear getting pregnant and having to drop out.
 If you want to take enslaved peoples, I can think of none more enslaved than women. Slaves to biology and the, now fading, social pressure to be mothers. If you look at any important woman, outside of the extremely religious, it is pretty much a given that she has taken the pill for at least several years of her life. Not months, but YEARS!!
 Most of your mothers take the pill....unless you come from a non-western country. If you ask around, you will find that most of the women you interact with take the pill. It is like in the new Star Trek movie when Spock was talking to the crew of the Enterprise about how the Romulans went back and time a changed history and every crew member took a moment to absorb the fact that their lives were vastly different because of the those EVIL, FUTURE ROMULANS!!

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