Monday, April 25, 2011


Strontium-90 absorption by deciduous teeth. 

Science. 1961 Nov 24;134:1669-73.
Why is this cool?
 So, in the 1950s and 1960s, the US was testing tons of nuclear weapons and people were getting nervous about mutually assured destruction and environmental consequences of nuclear fallout. A lone researcher took it upon himself to find out if nuclear weapon testing was leading to accumulation of radioactive material in humans. So, the researcher gathered baby teeth from around St. Louis and then tested then for radioactivity. What they found rocked many a parents' world: the teeth had RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM-90 (kind of redundant because strontium-90 probably doesn't exist in a non-radioactive form)!!!!! They present data that the later a child was born, until 1954, the more radioactive strontium was found in his teeth!
 Was this radioactivity correlated with higher incidences of cancer later in life? I don't know, but I would bet so. It is very interesting, because both my parents were born in the early fifties and they probably still have strontium-90 in their teeth!! This paper was published in 1961 and that precedes an IMPORTANT MILESTONE IN AMERICAN HISTORY: STAN LEE'S RE-INVENTION OF MARVEL!!!
Made of Uranium-238
 Is it a coincidence that Stan Lee (born in 1922) had developed the greatest comics ever written shortly after widespread nuclear weapon testing? I think not. In fact, I believe Stan Lee to be made of radiation!!From 1961 to 1963, Stan created society defining characters such as:


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